Curriculum Connection

Celebrate Poetry Month with a BrainPOP Found Poem

Posted by jglassman on

For a fun Poetry Month idea, try this! Have students create a BrainPOP “found poem” by combining words and phrases from a BrainPOP movie of their choice. A found poem is one that is made up of text from another source–in this case, a BrainPOP movie! Students mix the words from the movie to create their own unique poems. To see the text of a movie, click the Movie Transcript button below the movie player.

Constructing found poems is a creative process that requires students to think deeply and insightfully about what they’re reading. In this project, they need to thoroughly understand the content of the movie in order to use the words and ideas in a creative, new format.

Students can bring their poems to life with BrainPOP’s Make-a-Movie tool, adding images, animation, and sound to their words.

As a culminating event, have students read their poems to the class or present their Make-a-Movie.

For poetry inspiration, explore these BrainPOP topics:

Poems (BrainPOP Jr)
Similes and Metaphors
Edgar Allan Poe
Emily Dickinson
Maya Angelou
Pablo Neruda