Digital Citizenship: Making the Online World a Better Place Starts With You!
Posted by jglassman on
Your students were born into a digital world. They are digital natives who turn to technology to ask questions, solve problems, and conduct most aspects of their daily lives. Just as we teach children to be good citizens–following rules of society–we must also educate and model good digital citizenship.
Safe and responsible use of technology is a major component of a digital citizenship curriculum, as is understanding how technology can contribute to making the world a more positive place through collaboration, creation, and communication.
To help support your curriculum, BrainPOP offers a Digital Citizenship Unit consisting of topics ranging from Digital Etiquette and Cyberbullying to Information Privacy and Social Media. Using BrainPOP’s Make-a-Movie, Make-a-Map, and Creative Coding tools in any of these topics, students seamlessly apply what they learn while allowing you to authentically assess their understanding.
Our Digital Citizenship Teaching Resources offer everything from a step guide and video overview to rubrics and lesson plans.
Let us know what you think of BrainPOP’s Digital Citizenship resources by sharing your comments in the field below or contacting us directly.