Microsoft Partners in Learning Global Forum
Posted by cemignano on
Sponsored by BrainPOP, the Partners in Learning 2012 Global Forum is an annual program that attracts teachers from around the world seeking innovative and effective uses of technology in K-12 classrooms. This year, there were over 250,000 applicants who completed a rigorous application process with hopes of being one of the 115 teachers who attended the Global Forum in Prague from November 27 – December 1. Our very own Dr. Kari Stubbs, Vice President of Learning & Innovation, traveled to Prague to represent BrainPOP and presented, Are You Game? Leveraging Online Games for Classroom Engagement.
At the event, five teachers from Florida, Michigan and Washington state were among 21 educators who were awarded global recognition for their innovative work in the classroom. These educators, part of Team USA mentioned here last week, took home prizes in three categories- Cutting Edge Use of Technology, Collaboration, and Educator’s Choice. To see a list of all winners, please take a moment to register for the free Partners in Learning Network.
BrainPOP was popular among the attendees and was included in multiple projects that were submitted for the competition. Joli Barker (@Joli_Barker), 2nd Grade Classroom Educator, Slaughter Elementary, McKinney ISD, reflected on her use of BrainPOP by saying, “When deciding the resources to include in the “extension to learning” section of our project, XBOX 360: the iConnect Project (, I considered what sites and resources would not only provide accurate and thorough digital content, but did it in a way that was globally accessible and easy to understand. BrainPOP and BrainPOP, Jr. were easy choices! They are not just cute quick cartoons of information, but an entire library resource of activities, lesson plans, editable quizzes, games, and fun extras that engage learners and provide a comprehensive learning experience.”
Todd LaVogue (@ToddLaVogue), Magnet Coordinator, Roosevelt Middle School, West Palm Beach, praised BrainPO, as well. “BrainPOP definitely contributed to the success of this project. My sixth grade students love Tim and Moby. They are engaged with BrainPOP videos. We watched Egyptian Pharaohs and Mummies videos during our unit. The activity under Egyptian pharaohs provided an excellent “think about it” question that was used on our unit exam. Students completed the graphic organizer provided by BrainPOP on how to make a mummy. It allowed them to create a properly formatted paragraph with descriptive sentences detailing the mummification process. I highly recommend BrainPOP for any teachers’ tool box. ”
To catch up on what you missed at the Microsoft Partners in Learning Global Forum and keep up on any news, check out #pilgf on Twitter.