The REAL Commission Report
Posted by cemignano on
Back in January we shared Dr. Kari Stubs’s experience at the REAL (Recommendations for Education and Advancement of Learning) Commission kickoff meeting in Washington, DC. The commission consists of 27 leaders in education technology who were responsible for constructing a report on initial research and policy agenda for Digital Promise. Created by Congress with bipartisan support, Digital Promise is a national center that focuses on transforming teaching and learning with advanced technologies. Its goal is to improve all levels and forms of education to prepare Americans to compete in the global economy by identifying necessary information and technology.
The report has been released! On Friday, April 27th, the TechAmerica Foundation unveiled the REAL Agenda Commission report in Washington, D.C. The REAL Commission report will serve as a guide for the inaugural years of Digital Promise and identify any policy hurdles that inhibit progress. In creating the report, members of the commission worked together to develop and recommend research and activities that address the needs of education’s key stakeholders. The commission hopes that their report will serve as a valuable resource to students, parents, educators, administrators, employers, public officials, and the overall community while having a positive effect on K-12 education technology.
Digital Promise wants to hear from you! Be sure to check out the REAL Agenda Commission report and share your thoughts on the current challenges technology can help us solve and how you’re using technology to improve education in innovative ways.