Ring In the New School Year: The New & Improved BrainPOP Educators
Posted by allisyn on
After lots and lots (and lots!) of revisions, we are ecstatic about BrainPOP Educators’ new look, feel, and functionality, all of which will make their official debut next week! In the meantime, we wanted to highlight a few of these changes and thank everyone who who participated in our user testing. Your suggestions were invaluable, and the changes we made were largely influenced by your feedback.
From the beginning, our top goals have been to keep you up-to-date on all the latest BrainPOP news, events, and happenings; to cultivate a community that shared user-generated content and best practices; and to help you get the most out of BrainPOP’s resources. But after two years, it was pretty clear we’d outgrown our original site design and navigation.
We set out to make it easier and faster for you to track down the resources you needed and discover new ones. We’re confident that the new “widgetized” navigation system does just that. Based on the suggestions you gave us, we’ve done some homepage rearranging to put popular tools right at your fingertips. For example, you’ll now find Lesson Plans and the Standards tools at the top of the page – along with more emphasis on the blog.
We are in the midst of designing the tools you requested to be able to connect directly with one another and collaborate more easily. Profiles, Forums, and Groups are in the works! We’ve also heard your desire for more of a dashboard type homepage, which we are exploring. We hope you’ll explore the new BrainPOP Educators before it officially goes live next week. Stay tuned for upcoming webinars dedicated to the new incarnation of our online professional community. As always, your feedback is welcome.