Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the Sculpture Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the movie.


Before the Movie


What do you know about sculpture?

Describe a sculpture you’ve seen before?


During the Movie (Pause Points)


Stop at the following times in the movie and ask questions or prompt a discussion to keep students focused and to assess their understanding before moving on:


Timecode 1:09: How might sculpture be a challenging way for artists to present a living form? How might it be a rewarding way? 

Timecode 2:47: What’s the difference between carving and modeling?

Timecode 3:40: How is a sculptural mold a “negative image”?

Timecode 4:21: Why might sculpture be a frequently-used art form for public art?


After the Movie


What different skills might a sculptor and a painter use? What similar skills might they use?

What are some public sculptures in your city? 




*BrainPOP’s Discussion Questions and Prompts align to CCSS Speaking and Listening Standards.