Before the Movie
What do you know about daylight saving time? (Tap prior knowledge)
What do you want to know about daylight saving time?...
Before the Movie
What comes to mind when you hear democracy? (Tap prior knowledge)
What do you hope to learn about democracy...
Before the Movie
What do you know about factoring?
During the Movie (Pause Points)
Stop at the following times in the...
Before the Movie
What are your favorite Halloween traditions?
What do you hope to learn about Halloween?
Before the Movie
What types of goals have you set for yourself? Did you meet those goals? Why or why not? (Make connections)
What do yo...
Before the Movie
What do you know about computational thinking?
Where have you seen the word algorithm used before?
During the Mov...
Before the Movie
What do you know about the Salem Witch Trials?
What do you hope to learn about the Salem Witch Trials?
Before the Movie
Who do you think Theodore Roosevelt was?
What do you predict the National Parks Service does?
Before the Movie
What do you know about keeping a budget?
Have you ever had a budget? Explain.
During the Mov...
Before the Movie
What do you think happens at the United Nations?
What do you want to know about the United Nations?
Before the Movie
What do you know about media literacy?
What do you want to know about media literacy?
During the Movie (Pause...
Before the Movie
When might a writer use a hyphen or a dash?
What do you think the difference is between a hyphen and a dash?...