NOTE: We strongly suggest previewing the Tulsa Race Massacre movie before watching it with students as it describes acts of racist violence. While we don’t advise this movie for younger students, you can find collections of free, age-appropriate topics that support antiracism on both BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr.

The following suggestions, from The Child Mind Institute article Talking to Kids About Racism and Violence, are intended to support you as you engage in discussions with young people about this movie, and teach about the Tulsa Race Massacre. 

  • Be clear, direct, and factual about current events and history. Emphasize that racial violence is wrong.
  • Encourage questions even if you can’t answer them. It’s ok to acknowledge that this is a difficult topic and that you are uncomfortable, but it’s not a reason to stop talking.
  • Don’t hide your emotions. Letting your child know you’re sad and angry about injustice is good modeling of human behavior that can assure them that it’s okay to express their feelings.
  • Keep the conversation open. Racism and violence are important topics that require ongoing dialogue. Let your kids know that you’re always available to talk, and be sure to keep checking in on them, too.  


For support teaching about the Tulsa Race Massacre on BrainPOP, see our Lesson Plan and suggested Discussion Prompts that include pause points in the movie.