Moby Newsman


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New On BrainPOP

New on BrainPOP Jr. 

New on BrainPOP ELL

Four movies recently made their debut on BrainPOP ELL. Hi I’m Ben (Pronouns and Be); Magic Show (Be, Negative); What Is It? (Questions); and Five Dogs (Adjectives and Prepositions) replace the original first four Level 1 movies on our English language learning resource. Why the change? BrainPOP ELL has grown and developed over the years, and these new movies better reflect the rest of the site’s look and feel. Their story lines and some vocabulary are a little different, but the grammar topics and interactive features remain the same.

Talk to Local BrainPOP Users: New Subscribers in Your Region

  • California: Menifee Union Elementary SD; Pacifica SD
  • Canada: Meadow Lake Tribal Council
  • Georgia: Hart County BOE
  • Illinois: La Moille CUSD 303
  • Massachusetts: Dartmouth PS
  • Minnesota: Grand Rapids PSD
  • Missouri: St. Charles R-Vi
  • New Jersey: Camden BOE; Red Bank BOE
  • Ohio: Chardon Local Schools; Delaware City PS
  • Pennsylvania: Midd-West SD; Radnor SD
  • Virginia: Augusta County PS; Dinwiddle County PS
  • Texas: Alief SD; Stephenville ISD

Interested in a district-wide subscription? Contact our District Relations team.

BrainPOP Ink: Media Mentions

The BrainPOP Jr. app for Apple TV got a shout-out from CEO Tim Cook, while Common Sense Education gave our K-3 resource a five-star review. Edutopia reviewed the BrainPOP Featured Movie app, calling our movies “powerful, presenting information to students in a highly engaging format.” Other media hits included the Spanish language outlet Gestion; TeachThought; and Getting SmarteSchool News also cited BrainPOP ELL as one of the eight best apps and resources for English language learners.