Social Studies

Voice and Choice with CBE of the Month Matthew Farber
Posted by cemignano on
Next up in our Certified BrainPOP Educator of the Month series is Matthew Farber of Denville, NJ. Read on to see how Matt fuses his love of history with his passion for ed tech in his social studies c...

Martin Luther King Jr. Student Animation Movie
Posted by SM Bruner on
This student animation about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. proves that BrainPOP is way more than a movie and a quiz: BrainPOP can also be used as inspiration for student animation projects! This animatio...

New on BrainPOP Jr: Iroquois!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
You've been asking for it, so it's with great pride that we present to you our newest topic page, Iroquois! In this Social Studies movie, Annie and Moby introduce the culture, customs, traditions, and...

100 Years Ago Today, Rosa Parks was Born.
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
100 years ago today, February 4th 1913, Rosa Parks was born. Her courage helped spark the civil rights movement- and she remains a central figure in a defining moment of 20th century US history.
Civil Rights Lesson Plan: Tracking History Through Timelines
Posted by alanaw on
In this Civil Rights lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3 through 5, students use BrainPOP resources to develop an understanding of how to use and create a timeline. Students will utilize tech...
Ancient Civilizations of Latin America Lesson Plan: Inca, Maya, and Aztec Civilizations
Posted by on
In this lesson plan for grade 6 through 12, students use BrainPOP resources to learn and synthesize information about the ancient civilizations of Latin America. They will create a three circle Venn d...
Alexander Graham Bell Activities for Kids
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about Alexander Graham Bell and the invention of the telephone. These activities are designed to ...