Preparing for Game Play
Quandary: Preparing to Play & Guiding Questions (with ELL Support)
Posted by Dana Burnell on
Before playing this ethics and English game, ask if students are familiar with the word "Quandary"? You may want to start the session by asking: “Do you know what the game’s title means? What is a qua...
Tips for Introducing a New Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
You can engage the whole class in a gaming experience by projecting the game and go through its introduction with the class. Demonstrate how to play the game yourself first so you can think aloud and ...
Setting the Stage for Game Play
Posted by SM Bruner on
Coaches know the importance of a good pre-game talk, and so should you. What you say to learners can help them immensely as they begin to learn through game play. Here are some examples:
Setting Up Rules and Expectations for Game Play
Posted by SM Bruner on
When students are playing a game, they often won't behave exactly the same way they do when they are taking a test or listening to a lecture. Students might be completely engrossed in what they are do...