Math Games

Employee Cafeteria Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
How can I recognize what strategy to use for a specific problem?
How can I test or appraise our predictions?
How can I determine if a prediction is valid?
You can use these Employee Cafeteri...
Adding with Mental Math Lesson Plan: Addition Blocks Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 1-5, students use BrainPOP resources (including a free online interactive game) to practice combining numbers to create target amounts. Students will ...

A Tangled Web – Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
How can you recognize what strategy to use for a specific problem?
How are objects represented and compared using geometric attributes?
How does use of real life tools like protractors and leve...

Martin Esterman: Games, Math Fluency and Award Winning Ways
Posted by SM Bruner on
Martin Esterman, the National STEM Video Game Challenge winner, joins us for a webinar on math fluency and the Common Core State Standards for Math practice. Martin tells us why he’s decided to use ga...

Refraction Math Game Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
How can fractions be expressed, ordered, and compared?
How is adding and subtracting fractions different and similar from working with whole numbers?
How can models help us to predict t...
Fractions on a Number Line Lesson Ideas: The Pearl Diver Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
In these number line lesson ideas which are adaptable for grades 3-8, students play an online math game to practice identifying, comparing, and ordering fractions on a number line....

Treefrog Treasure: Preparing for Play
Posted by Dana Burnell on
Make sure you introduce the concepts of both fractions and number lines to your students prior to the Treefrog Treasure game, in order to reduce their learning curve....

Pyramid Panic Tips and Tricks
Posted by Dana Burnell on
The pyramid in the Pyramid Panic game has four zones, each of which features three levels and a Boss Level, making 16 levels in total. Each zone contains a unique mix of mathematical problems, with th...
Number Jumble Math Game: Game Play Strategies
Posted by Dana Burnell on
This is a great math game for teaching students to find patterns with numbers. Decide whether you want students to work with whole numbers or in decimals, then refresh students’ memories of the multip...

Battleship Numberline Math Game Teaching Strategies
Posted by SM Bruner on
Collaborative Learning Tips:
Allow learners to work in pairs at a computer while playing the Battleship Numberline math game. Pairing learners of somewhat varying abilities together can be a good w...