Digital Games
Formative Assessment with CBE of the Month Lauren Wade
Posted by Jessica Millstone on
Please welcome our January Certified BrainPOP Educator of the Month - Lauren Wade! Lauren shares with us some of the deep ways she utilizes BrainPOP's tools like Make-A-Map and our partner games on G...
Common Core, Digital Games and Classroom, Inc.
Posted by SM Bruner on
Can digital games engage students while helping them develop their reading comprehension skills? Join us and guests Kathy Yu Burek and Anne Richards for a look at how Classroom, Inc.’s The Sports Netw...
Webinar Alert: Differentiating with Digital Games
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
You’ve heard all the buzz about digital games in the classroom – but does game-based learning work with differentiated instruction? Can games really meet the needs of all your students? Allisyn Levy a...