Active Imagination Lesson Plan: Everyone’s Creative
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3-12, students learn about active imagination and how they can use their imaginations to solve problems, create, and have a positive impact on the wo...

Using BrainPOP for Creative Inspiration!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Liz Andrews, Lower School Computer Lab Teacher at Kentucky Country Day School (and new mother) uses BrainPOP as inspiration for creative projects with her students. In 2nd grade, the homeroom teachers...

Guest Blogger Lisi Geffen Loves to Tell Stories, Digitally!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Digital Storytelling is a powerful educational tool because it's engaging for students, encourages creativity, and can provide important context expressing understanding of classroom studies. Students...

All this Scratchin’ is Making me Itch!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Have you heard about Scratch? Well if you like BrainPOP, you'll love Scratch. Scratch is a unique, free programming tool that can be used for game design, storytelling, animation and all sorts of mult...