Getting Ready for Back-To-School!
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Summer is slowly coming to a close, which means that it's almost time for back-to-school! Check out highlights from our most recent (August 3rd) #BPOPchat on Twitter. In this chat, educators discussed...
Back to School with BrainPOP
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
As the summer begins winding down, we, at BrainPOP, want to help you best prepare for Back to School. From personal goal setting, to helping students achieve, to coordinating with parents and administ...
Game On: Follow #esinstruct tweet chat tonight at 7:30 ET (4:30 PT)
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Our buddies over at Edsurge are hosting the third #esinstruct tweet chat discussion: "Games and Learning in the Classroom." We, @BrainPOP, will be there, tweeting some cool news about our GameUp colle...