Blended Classrooms

Lure of the Labyrinth Employee Lounge Math Game: Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
How do I recognize what strategy to use for a specific problem?
How can numbers be expressed, ordered, and compared?
What strategies can be used to solve for unknowns?
Create a purpose for l...

Essential Questions: LawCraft Social Studies Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
What fundamental beliefs about rights and responsibilities are evident in the laws our country has passed?
How do citizens (individually and collectively) influence laws and government?
Immune System Defender Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
How do the parts of living things help them to survive?
How do cells, tissues, and organs interact with one another and carry out life functions?
You can use these Immune System Defender essen...
Fed Chairman Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
How are economic resources gathered and allocated?
What roles do economic principles play in history?
Should the American government provide more or less regulation in the economy?
Court Quest Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
How does our country's court system affect the lives of citizens?
What are the rights and responsibilities of being a citizen?
What are the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in a democ...
Close Knit Neighbors Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
What are the components of an ecosystem and how do they interact with one another?
Why is balance within an ecosystem essential for its sustainability?
What are some benefits of a sustainable e...
Build A Solar System Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
Why are making inferences and generalizations and drawing conclusions important in understanding our world?
How can creating models help us understand our world?
How does playing the game relat...

Employee Lounge Math Game Collaborative Learning Tips
Posted by Dana Burnell on
Have students play Lure of the Labyrinth Employee Lounge math game collaboratively in teams or small groups. Ask students to help one another develop strategies for solving the puzzles. Structure the ...

Doing the BrainPOP
Posted by SM Bruner on
Students from 4th grade teacher Mrs. Gordon, from Port Orange Elementary School in Port Orange, FL, were inspired to compose and record their own BrainPOP song....
Basic Geometry Lesson Plan: A Tangled Web Puzzle Game
Posted by allisyn on
In this lesson plan adaptable for grades 3 through 8, students use BrainPOP resources (including an interactive game) to learn about basic geometry concepts. Students will explore angles, parallel lin...