Aimee Bloom

A CBE’s Journey Into Coding
Posted by cemignano on
Guest blogger and Certified BrainPOP Educator Aimee Bloom joins us to share her love of coding and the value she sees in computer science education. Read on to learn how Aimee found her way into Educa...

In the Mind of a CBE … Aimee Bloom
Posted by Jessica Millstone on
Please welcome back Aimee Bloom, our March Certified BrainPOP Educator of the Month! In this blog post, Aimee shares a few of her favorite BrainPOP features and how she introduces them to both teache...

Digital Citizenship with CBE of the Month Aimee Bloom
Posted by Jessica Millstone on
Please welcome March's Certified BrainPOP Educator of the Month Aimee Bloom, who hails from West Seneca, NY! Aimee's 10 years of teaching has prepared her to use some of BrainPOP newer concept mappin...