Note Taking With BrainPOP

August 17, 2012
See how a 4th grade class uses BrainPOP movies and activity pages for note taking....

STEM Skills Lesson Plan: STEM to the Rescue!

October 27, 2008
In this STEM Skills lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students use BrainPOP and other online resources to research a science, engineer...

Alternative Energy Sources Lesson Plan: Fossil Fuels’ Impact on the Environment

June 5, 2012
In this lesson plan for grades 6 through 12, students will use BrainPOP resources to learn how alternative sources of energy can be created ...

Chronopticon Essential Questions

May 29, 2013
How do the components of our Solar System move and interact with one another? How do the motions of Earth and our moon affect our lives...

Fly to Mars Essential Questions

July 7, 2013
How can models help us to predict the nature of objects and systems that we cannot see? How does studying cycles help us to understand ...

Sortify: Space Exploration Common Misconceptions

January 16, 2015
You may find some points of debate or discussion during Sortify: Space Exploration game play. Here are some notes to help you guide these co...

Touchdown! Rosetta’s Lander Makes History

November 13, 2014
Yesterday, after a journey of billions of miles, a probe the size of a washing machine landed on the surface of a speeding comet. In recogni...

Winter Holidays Discussion Prompts and Pause Points

December 3, 2019
Before the Movie  Which winter holidays do you celebrate? (Make connections) What is your favorite winter holiday? (Make connections) ...