May 30, 2018
Before you head out for summer, check out what’s new on BrainPOP!
New & Updated on BrainPOP
Memorial Day NEW
We celebrate with para...
November 19, 2018
November is all about the turkey, but leave some room for all the new stuffing...oops stuff… on BrainPOP!
Exponents UPDATE
April 30, 2018
April showers bring May flowers AND BrainPOP movies and games!
Updated Movies on BrainPOP
Body Systems
Take this anatomical tour to ex...
September 28, 2018
Back-to-school has been a very busy time at BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr.! Here’s a recap of what’s new.
BrainPOP Jr.
It’s a tria...
August 22, 2008
Yay! BrainPOP Jr. now offers a keyword search bar! Start searching for yourself at!...
October 20, 2010
Navigating BrainPOP Educators: Free Tips, Tools, and Resources
Wednesday, October 20
4:30 PM EDT
Duration: 1 Hour
We're thrilled to an...
January 10, 2012
Guest Blogger Laura Candler was a teacher in Fayetteville, North Carolina for over 30 years. She has presented educational workshops to teac...
August 21, 2013
August 23 - 24, 2013:
Visit for the inaugural worldwide Homeschool Conference. This two-day...
October 10, 2013
Guest blogger Mike Farley has been teaching middle and high school Geography for 12 years in the Toronto District School Board and currently...
October 30, 2017
by Dr. Mike Ribble, Ed.D.
With Digital Citizen week behind us, how can we continue th...