English Games (ELA) and The Sports Network 2!

March 14, 2013
BrainPOP is thrilled to introduce a new category of free English Language Arts (ELA) games! When you visit the main GameUp page, you'll now ...

Playful Learning Summit at GLS

May 16, 2013
Announcing the GLS Playful Learning Summit! Are you an educator passionate or curious about game-based learning and digital media?  You are...

BrainPOP Partners Awarded Top Honors at Games For Change

June 20, 2013
Congratulations to both Learning Games Network (LGN) and Filament Games, winners in this year's Game For Change Awards.  The Games for Chang...

Inquiry Based Exploration with TechChef Lisa Johnson

July 2, 2013
TechChef Lisa Johnson shared about inquiry based learning and documenting student work in the BrainPOP booth at ISTE 2013. Check out her "Th...

InnovatED – Professional Development Summer Institute

July 7, 2013
Attention NY based Teachers! This Wednesday and Thursday, July 10th and 11th, The Avenues School in Manhattan is hosting InnovatED -  a summ...

Introducing Studio K: a New Game Design Environment

July 9, 2013
Guest Bloggers Gabby Anton, Wade Berger and Stefan Slater from Games Learning and Society group at University of Wisconsin describe Studio...

Speak Up, America! What do You Think About Technology Use for Learning?

December 18, 2013
We shared the Speak Up campaign here on the blog back in October, and we want to encourage your participation one last time before the campa...

Guest Blogger Caryn Swark Shares Tips and Tricks for Game Design in the Classroom

March 24, 2014
Most games – card, board, or video – require students to think, solve problems, create, and adapt. But why not go a step beyond playing game...

Classroom Activities: Tally Charts and Bar Graphs

July 24, 2018
These classroom activities are designed to complement the Tally Charts and Bar Graphs topic on BrainPOP Jr. Class Census If possible, vi...

Th, Sh, and Wh Background Information for Teachers, Parents and Caregivers

August 7, 2018
This page provides information to support educators and families in teaching K-3 students about th, sh, and wh. It is designed to complement...