BrainPOP & Friends at SXSWEdu: Game On and GameUp

October 25, 2013
Explore the many different voices in games for teaching and learning! Thanks to you and your votes, our panel “Listen Up! Speak Up! GameUp! ...

It’s Here! SXSWedu Announces 2014 Playground Schedule

February 6, 2014
We’re absolutely thrilled to share the newly unveiled official schedule for the SXSWedu 2014 Playground, which we're co-sponsoring with Xero...

BrainPOP Twitter Chat Recap: Avoiding the Summer Slump

June 8, 2015
Check out highlights from #BPOPchat, our June BrainPOP Twitter chat in which we discussed summer enrichment ideas and tips for helping stude...

Family and Homeschool Activities:Subject and Verb Agreement

August 4, 2018
These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Subject and Verb Agreement topic on BrainPOP Jr. Change Up Select a ...

How Soap Works Discussion Prompts and Pause Points

May 11, 2020
Before the Movie:   Why do you think it’s important to wash your hands regularly? (Tap prior knowledge) Why do you think you nee...

Goods and Services Activities for Kids

May 23, 2010
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about economics and goods and service...

Lewis and Clark Activities for Kids

May 28, 2010
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about the Lewis and Clark expedition....

Classroom Activities: Pushes and Pulls

July 24, 2018
These classroom activities are designed to complement the Pushes and Pulls topic on BrainPOP Jr. "Simon Says" Play "Simon Says" with you...

Family and Homeschool Activities: Writing with the Senses

August 5, 2018
These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Writing with the Senses topic on BrainPOP Jr. Getting a Sense of the ...