New to GameUp: Refraction

May 22, 2012
There's a new math and science game available on GameUp! In Refraction, students in grades 4-8 have the opportunity to explore light refract...

The Newest BrainPOP Fan Animation, Created with Puppet Pals!

June 15, 2012
Guest Bloggers and BrainPOP Educators Eliza Chung and Jan Bird worked with students from class 1a at The School at Columbia to create their ...

Guest Blog Post: Promoting Energy Literacy Education Efforts Across the U.S.

May 20, 2014
Josh Sneideman is a middle-school science teacher and Albert Einstein Fellow at Department of Energy, promoting energy literacy education ef...

Rural, Urban, and Suburban Activities for Kids

May 28, 2010
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about rural, suburban, and urban comm...

Games and Educational Research: A Match Made in Digital Heaven

August 14, 2014
Guest blogger Myra Luna-Lucero, M.A., Ed.M. shares the relationship between games and educational research, and  her experience using GameUp...

Participate in UCLA’s Game Based Learning Research Study

November 14, 2014
Our friends from UCLA's CRESST are conducting a game based learning research study about building science and social emotional skills with "...

Using Games for Formative Assessment: The A-Games Project

February 25, 2015
We’re thrilled to be able to tell you about the A-Games Project, a newly published study that looks at the use of digital learning games for...

Helping to Build a “Nation of Makers”

June 12, 2015
We’re so proud to announce our involvement with the National Week of Making, celebrating the builders, creators, designers, and problem solv...