October 6, 2008
Laurie and Allyson, Project Discovery Science teaching partners at K.W. Barrett Elementary School in Arlington, VA, used the BrainPOP Jr. ...
January 30, 2009
I thought it would be helpful to address some of our most frequently asked questions, so I've invited our Subscriber Relations team to share...
December 16, 2010
Mitch Norris is an Apple Distinguished Educator and the ICT specialist for Kindergarten to Grade 7 at the International School of the Sacr...
December 9, 2014
Donate 15 minutes of your time today for the future of education and participate in Speak Up America Week, December 8th-12th, 2014!
February 17, 2011
I met Sherri Dodd via a webinar on Video Games in the Classroom, and was hoping she'd share all the cool things she's doing with her stude...
October 21, 2011
Beth Quinn is Research Director at Filament Games. Prior to joining Filament's team, Dr. Quinn was a professor of sociology, specializing in...
October 31, 2011
BrainPOP and Project Tomorrow invite all schools and districts to participate in the 9th annual Speak Up National Research Project. Speak U...
December 22, 2011
Here is a interesting excerpt (cross post) In Defense of the Term “Gamification” as used by Learning Professionals from the Kaplan Kapp Not...
April 6, 2012
If you've heard about BrainPOP's collection of free online games but haven't had a chance to check it out, here's an easy way to see what Ga...
April 13, 2012
Guest Blogger Betty Ann Fish is the Chair of the Physical Education Department at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy and has been teaching and...