Solar System Movie Background Information for Teachers, Parents and Caregivers

July 25, 2018
This page provides information to support educators and families in teaching K-3 students about solar system. It is designed to complement t...

April is Earth Awareness Month

April 1, 2019
Celebrate Earth Day every day with eco-friendly movies and games! Earth Awareness Movies BrainPOP provides movies featuring a broad range ...

Relative Dating Lesson Plan: Earth’s Systems

December 8, 2021
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Relative Dating Lesson Plan This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Relative Dating,...

Solstice and Equinox Lesson Plan: Earth’s Place in the Universe

November 11, 2021
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Solstice and Equinox Lesson Plan. This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Solstice a...

April Spotlight on Earth Awareness

April 3, 2014
Though we support thinking about the earth everyday, April is officially Earth Awareness Month! Show your love for the planet with our Earth...

Earth Awareness Lesson Plan: What’s Your Cause?

June 22, 2012
In this Earth Awareness lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3-8, students choose an area of environmental interest that is relevant t...

Introducing BrainPOP to your Science Class

August 17, 2012
See how BrainPOP is used to teach a science class....

Fast Land Changes Background Information for Teachers, Parents and Caregivers

July 23, 2018
This page provides information to support educators and families in teaching K-3 students about Fast Land Changes. It is designed to complem...

Rocks and Minerals Background Information for Teachers, Parents and Caregivers

July 23, 2018
This page provides information to support educators and families in teaching K-3 students about rocks and minerals. It is designed to comple...

Classroom Activities: Moon

July 24, 2018
These classroom activities are designed to complement the Moon topic on BrainPOP Jr. Moon Model Remind your students that the Earth ...