New to GameUp: Refraction

May 22, 2012
There's a new math and science game available on GameUp! In Refraction, students in grades 4-8 have the opportunity to explore light refract...

National STEM Game Challenge Winner Announced!

May 22, 2012
Today BrainPOP congratulates the 28 winners of this year's National STEM Game Challenge! With over 3,700 entries from students in grades 5-1...

The Newest BrainPOP Fan Animation, Created with Puppet Pals!

June 15, 2012
Guest Bloggers and BrainPOP Educators Eliza Chung and Jan Bird worked with students from class 1a at The School at Columbia to create their ...

Guest Blog Post: Promoting Energy Literacy Education Efforts Across the U.S.

May 20, 2014
Josh Sneideman is a middle-school science teacher and Albert Einstein Fellow at Department of Energy, promoting energy literacy education ef...

Rural, Urban, and Suburban Activities for Kids

May 28, 2010
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about rural, suburban, and urban comm...

National STEM Video Game Challenge

September 16, 2010
With President Obama's launch of the National STEM Video Game Challenge comes a BrainPOP announcement as well! We're proud to report that ...

Speak Up 2014 – Make Your Voice Heard

October 10, 2014
Are you “Speaking Up” about digital learning this year? If not, you are missing a unique opportunity to have your views—as well as the views...

Top Movies!

September 3, 2008
Check it out! You can get a quick glimpse of our most popular movies by day,  month, and subject with our new Top Movies feature: http://...