News and Updates
Remembering Nelson Mandela
December 6, 2013
In memory of Nelson Mandela, today's featured movie is about Apartheid.... Computer Science Education Week, the Hour of Code and BrainPOP
December 3, 2013
December 9-14th is the official Computer Science Education Week featuring the Hour of Code, "a one-hour introduction to computer science, de... Getting Ready for an Hour of Code – Webinar Wednesday, December 4 at 3:30 pm ET
December 2, 2013
Wednesday, December 4 at 3:30 pm ET
Getting Ready for the Hour of Code
Learn how to work an “Hour of Code” into your day during Computer... Participate in Games Research Survey for a Chance to Win!
November 27, 2013
We realize there are infinite ways that students and teachers use educational games. We hear anecdotes about how games are effective educati... New Movie on BrainPOP Jr.- Fish
November 26, 2013
In BrainPOP Jr.’s newest science movie, Annie and Moby explore fish. Starting with the broad question of What are fish?, this movie discusse... Thanksgiving Preparation with BrainPOP Jr. Get Your Gobble On!
November 24, 2013
Turkey time is just around the corner and BrainPOP Jr. helped spark a little turkey tradition and fun in our classroom. The students worked... 50 Years Later: Reflecting on the Life of President John F. Kennedy
November 21, 2013
Fifty years ago today, Americans were jolted by the news that their popular 46-year-old President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, had been shot an... SimCityEDU – The Newest Release from GlassLab
November 21, 2013
Remember SimCity, Will Wright's famous game in which you create the city of your dreams? Recently Glasslab, a nonprofit video game developm... From Theory to Practice to Evaluation: Game-Based Learning in Action
November 14, 2013
These 5 articles help demonstrate just some of the many beneficial values of game-based learning.
Five Video Games Your Middle Schooler S... De-“Mist”-ifying Cloud Computing
November 11, 2013
In our newest BrainPOP technology movie, Tim introduces Moby to the wonders of cloud computing. Discover how the "cloud" is really a network...