News and Updates
When Earthquakes Strike, Think of Moby!
March 20, 2014
You never know when something you learned on BrainPOP will come in handy! 5th grade teacher Kathy Roventini recognized this last week when ... BrainPOP Refinements and the Common Core State Standards
March 17, 2014
Like all educational content providers, BrainPOP has been adjusting to the curricular demands of the Common Core State Standards. We've add... The Citizen Science Game is now on GameUp
March 15, 2014
Citizen Science is a unique science game that combines practice in literacy skills with the exploration of environmental issues. During the ... Share Your Voice During a Birds-of-a-Feather Session at ISTE 2014!
March 13, 2014
ISTE is asking for your help in planning their birds-of-a-feather sessions at the 2014 conference. Unlike the traditional conference present... The National School Boards Association “20 to Watch”
March 12, 2014
The National School Boards Association (NSBA) has announced the “20 to Watch” honorees for 2013-2014 and we’re proud to say POPstars Dr. Kec... BrainPOP ELL is Now Available for Windows 8!
March 11, 2014
We’re thrilled to announce that BrainPOP ELL is now available on Windows 8 devices! BrainPOP ELL offers 90 lessons from beginner level to ad... Call for Proposals for the GLS Playful Learning Summit!
March 10, 2014
2014 Games Learning Society 10.0 Playful Learning Summit
Call For Proposal (CFP) Playful Learning Summit Workshops
The Games+Learning+... Making the Most of SnapThought
March 3, 2014
BrainPOP's unique SnapThought® tool is fundamentally changing the game play experience on GameUp for students and teachers. In this article ... Get ready to Ratio Rumble with this Math Game
March 2, 2014
Ratio Rumble is a exciting math game that was developed by our partner, NMSU Learning Games Lab, and recently added to BrainPOP's GameUp.
... ELL and Beyond: BrainPOP around the World!
February 28, 2014
TESOL Certified English Teacher Charles McKinney on BrainPOP in His ELL Classroom:
Ever since my American friend and former colleague in B...