News and Updates
Benefits of Game Play for ELLs
September 14, 2016
Among the many benefits of learning through game play, one is that games provide meaningful, low-anxiety opp... News from Production: Quiz Player Updates
September 12, 2016
Earlier this month, we asked for feedback on recent updates to the quiz player that accompanies every BrainPOP topic. Thanks to everyone who... Voice and Choice with CBE of the Month Shana White
September 7, 2016
We're a week into September which means school is back in session and we have a new Certified BrainPOP Educator of the month! We're thrilled... Challenge Students With Our Newest Feature
September 6, 2016
We’re thrilled to announce the beta launch of our newest feature, the Challenge! The auto-graded, mobile-ready Challenge is designed to hel... Movies and More With August’s CBE of the Month
August 29, 2016
For part two of August's Certified BrainPOP Educator of the month series, Andrea Alvarez shares how she encourages educators to take advanta... September’s #BPOPchat – Start the Year off Right with BrainPOP!
August 26, 2016
Thursday, September 1st, at 7PM ET follow the hashtag #BPOPchat on Twitter to discuss beginning the new school year with BrainPOP. We’ll com... New on GameUp: Water, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Games
August 26, 2016
BrainPOP is excited to present three brand new games, from our partner Field Day Lab, featuring the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles!
T... New on GameUp: Wind Simulator
August 24, 2016
Whoosh! Wind Simulator, a new game from our partner, Field Day Lab, challenges students to change wind and air pressure to create new weat... Understanding Data Dashboards: Publishing a New White Paper
August 17, 2016
We’re proud to announce the release of a white paper that poses a new framework designed to help teachers and educational games developers b... New Integration with Google Classroom
August 16, 2016
We’ve got good news for Google Classroom users! We just launched an addition to our existing Google Single Sign-On integration, giving you t...