Grade Levels: K-3

These classroom activities are designed to complement the Scientific Method topic on BrainPOP Jr.

Science Handbook
Create a science handbook together. Review the steps of the scientific method and help students write the steps down. They may wish to give examples, illustrate their steps, or decorate their pages. Discuss rules for behaving during a science experiment and stress the importance of following directions and working together. Then have students add information and rules about science safety, such as the importance of wearing gloves, goggles, and aprons. Students can gather their pages into a binder or if possible, they can put the pages in plastic sleeves so the handbook will be waterproof and protected during science experiments. This handbook can become part of your students’ science kits, and using it will help them follow the scientific method.

Science Demo
Model the scientific method by leading a science experiment using magnets. Explain that after watching the Scientific Method movie, students know that magnets can attract objects made with iron. Have students think of other questions they want to ask about magnets. For example, does cutting a magnet in half affect its capabilities? Write students’ questions on the board and choose one to investigate together. Have students write down hypotheses and together plan an experiment. Model writing a clear experiment plan, complete with easy, short steps and a list of materials needed to complete the experiment. Do the experiment together and have students record their data. Think about different ways to record data, and discuss when to use each method. Then analyze the data and draw a conclusion.

Step by Step
An important part of the scientific method is following directions. If scientists do not follow their experiment plans, the results can be inconsistent and inconclusive. Have students practice writing and following directions by writing a series of steps for their partners to follow. Directions can be for going on a computer, getting a book from the bookshelves, walking to the cafeteria, etc. Students should write down the directions in clear, easy steps. Emphasize the importance of double-checking their work before giving the directions to their partners. Remind students that they cannot give their partners hints on how to follow the directions—the list of steps should do that for them.