Points, Lines, Segments and Rays Background Information for Teachers, Parents and Caregivers
This page provides information to support educators and families in teaching K-3 students about points, lines, segments and rays. It is designed to complement the Points, Lines, Segments and Rays topic page on BrainPOP Jr.
Help children explore geometry and begin to understand abstract mathematical concepts by relating them to the real world. This movie will explore points, lines, line segments, and rays. It will also introduce parallel and intersecting lines and provide examples in the world around us. We encourage pausing the movie and having children come up with their own examples.
Review with children that a point is an exact location or position. We represent a point with a dot. Children can visualize points as stars in the sky. Have them draw a series of points right next to each other in succession. What do they see? Explain that a line is actually a set of points that are right next to each other. A line is endless and continues forever in both directions. The arrowheads on each end of a line show that it goes on forever. Help children understand that a line is made up of an infinite number of points.
Draw a line segment and explain that it is part of a line. Help children see that there are endpoints on each end. This means a line segment does not go on forever; it has definite ends. Explain that a ray is also part of a line. It has one endpoint and the other end continues forever. Lines, line segments, and rays can extend horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. In math, we define lines, line segments, and rays as always being straight. They do not curve.
Draw two parallel lines and have children observe. Explain that parallel lines never cross and the distance between them is always the same. You can extend parallel lines forever and they will never cross. Invite children to come up with examples of parallel lines or draw their own. Remember, parallel lines can run horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, but never curved. Come up with real-world examples of parallel lines or line segments together. For example, an equal sign is made up of two parallel line segments. A rectangle has two pairs of parallel sides. Telephone lines might be parallel to each other as they extend across the community. In the word parallel, the l‘s are parallel to each other. This could provide a good mnemonic for children to help remember the concept.
Draw two intersecting lines and have children observe. Explain that intersecting lines cross. Draw different sets of intersecting lines that have obtuse or acute angles to help children see how intersecting lines can look different and cross at different angles. You may wish to introduce the term perpendicular, which refers to lines that intersect to form a right angle. Then come up with real-world examples of intersecting lines. For example, the plus sign and the multiplication sign are made up of two intersecting, perpendicular line segments. Many children will remember that roads cross at an intersection. Encourage children to look for parallel and intersecting lines around them. Invite them to see mathematical concepts in the real world!