Grade Levels: K-3

In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades K-3, students watch the BrainPOP Jr. movie Mindfulness and explore related resources to learn about mindfulness, and how practicing it can help them notice and accept their thoughts, emotions, senses, and actions.  They’ll also discover that gratitude and empathy can help change the way we think and act. The lesson will culminate in creating a class Gratitude Book to describe and identify moments when students felt grateful.  


Lesson Plan Common Core State Standards Alignments

Students will:

  1. Brainstorm what they know about mindfulness.
  2. Watch the BrainPOP Jr. Mindfulness movie and discuss what they've learned. 
  3. Describe what they are grateful for in a picture and caption.
  4. Collaborate with classmates on creating a Gratitude Journal.


  • Internet access for BrainPOP
  • Construction paper and crayons
  • Glue and a marker


  • Preview the movie Mindfulness to plan for adaptations. 
  • Read the MIndfulness Background. 
  • Gather crayons and construction paper

Lesson Procedure:

  1. Write the word “mindfulness” on the whiteboard. Prompt students to share what they know about mindfulness. Jot their ideas on the board. Ask what they hope to learn about mindfulness. After everyone has shared, explain to the class that when we are “mindful,” we are very focused on what is happening right now. Explain that when we slow down and really pay attention to our bodies and our breathing, it can help us feel calm and relaxed.
  2. Show the BrainPOP Jr. movie Mindfulness on an interactive whiteboard for the whole class. Pause as needed to reinforce student understanding of key concepts and vocabulary. Pause at the part about gratitude. After Annie describes what gratitude is and we see what Becca and Moby are grateful for, ask students to share aloud what they’re grateful for. Point out that it is just as meaningful to be grateful for little things, like a delicious meal or a pretty flower, as it is for the big things, like presents and trips. Jot their responses on the whiteboard.
  3. After the movie, distribute construction paper and crayons to the class. Ask students to draw a picture of what they said they are grateful for and write a caption beneath it.
  4. Collect the drawings and put them together in a Gratitude Book. When the book is complete, pass it around from student to student, having each one read their page. Keep the book on display in the classroom.
  5. Conclude the lesson by reminding students that thinking about what makes us happy can help us calm our minds and feel good.