Grade Levels: K-3

These classroom activities are designed to complement the Migration topic page on BrainPOP Jr.

Migration Celebrations
Party! As a cross-curricular and cross-cultural activity, have students research and prepare traditional celebrations that highlight a particular animal migration. Are there any local animals that might be migrating to or from your area? Create a seasonal celebration around the arrival or departure of the migrating animal. The arrival of the monarch butterflies is an important part of Mexico’s annual “Day of the Dead” celebrations. Some Native Americans followed migrating American buffalo and held ceremonies to honor the creature’s sacrifice. Have students research celebrations that honor migration and present their findings with the class. Then discuss the relationship between humans and migrating animals. How was the relationship in the past vs. in the present?


Chances are that every student in the classroom knows someone, family or friends, who have moved. Have students brainstorm all of the people they have known who have moved, and discover their reasons for moving. As a group, chart as many different reasons people move as the class can come up with. Then have them brainstorm as many different types of migrating animals as they can. This can lead to a discussion with the whole class about what motivates the animals for migrating. Do people migrate for the same reasons as animals? Are there any other connections? Can the class come up with some big ideas about the similarities and differences between human and animal needs?

Paths of Migration

Research to see if your school is in the migration path of any animals. What animals migrate through your area? Do any of these animals stop to feed or rest in your area? Make a migration calendar to show when animals will be migrating through your state or country. Then discuss some of the issues that migrating animals face in the modern world and have students propose solutions to these problems.