Grade Levels: K-3

In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about the Iroquois Native American tribe. These activities are designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. Iroquois topic page, which includes a movie, quizzes, online games, printable activities, and more.

Classroom Activities for Teaching About The Iroqois

Word of Mouth

Remind students that folktales have been passed down by word of mouth. Have students read and explore different folktales. You may want to share Iroquois folktales or share examples from other native peoples. Go through different themes typically addressed in folktales, such as the creation of the rivers and streams, or the reason why an animal looks the way it does. Then have students come up with their own folktales. Invite them to tell—and not read out loud—the stories to the class, passing them on to others through an oral tradition!

Longhouse Model

Combine social studies with architecture–have students create their own longhouse models! Assist students in researching longhouse construction online or at the library. How were the longhouses constructed? What materials were involved? How did it stay warm in the winter? Remind children that there were cooking fires inside the longhouse. How would the smoke get ventilated? After researching, have students create their own models using different materials. Some may want to use sticks or others may want to construct it out of paper. Then have students share their models with the whole class.

Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching About The Iroqois

Story of a Family

The Iroquois create wampum belts that honor or commemorate a person or event. During special ceremonies, an elder reads the patterns on the belts and shares their stories. These wampum belts are considered highly sacred by the Iroquois. Invite your child to create something that honors or commemorates a person in your family or an important event in your family’s history. The item does not have to be a belt, but it can be a drawing, sculpture, or other artwork. How does the item reflect or honor the person or event? Have your child describe his or her creation.

Day in the Life

Have your child imagine what life was like inside of a longhouse. Remind him or her that over sixty people could live in a longhouse together. What were the sights, sounds, and smells? Have your child write a sensory detail chart. Then use the chart to write a paragraph or journal entry about a day spent inside of a longhouse.

Filed as:  Iroquois, K-3, Social Studies