Classroom Activities: Fossils
These classroom activities are designed to complement the Fossils topic on BrainPOP Jr.
Remind your students that scientists use clues from fossils to identify the plant or animal and learn about how it lived. Bring in clay or putty to your class and have them make a footprint or a handprint. Then mix the prints together and have students figure out who made each print. What clues can they use to figure out the answer? For example, if students are examining a footprint, what kind of shoe might have made it, a sneaker or a loafer? If there is a ring-mark on a handprint, which student is wearing a matching ring? Students can narrow down the possible answers by examining their classmates. Encourage students to share their ideas and theories with the whole class.
Natural History Museum
If possible, take your students on a trip to a natural history museum. Have your students bring sketchpads and notebooks to draw fossils that interest them and write their thoughts on how the fossil came to be or how it was found. Have them note any fascinating facts. Many museums offer tours or have experts available to talk to classes. Make sure your students come prepared with questions to ask. After the trip, discuss what your students have learned. Have them share their drawings and notes and talk about their favorite fossils.
State Fossil
Nearly every state has a state fossil. Research your state’s fossil together and learn more by visiting the library, looking up information in the Internet, or asking an expert. Where in the state can the fossil be found? How and when was it selected? Have students gather information and share what they learned. Then have each student pick a state and study the state’s fossil. Students can draw a picture of it and write facts about the fossil. Together, create a map of the United States using pictures of the fossils.