Grade Levels: K-3

These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Earth topic on BrainPOP Jr.

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse

Together with your child, find ways to reduce, recycle, and reuse in your home. You can reduce pollution by walking, riding bikes, skating, or using public transportation instead of driving. Review specific items in your home that can be recycled, such as cans, milk cartons, toilet paper tubes, paper, and shampoo bottles. Encourage your child to find ways to reuse items in your home, such as bottles, bags, and jars.

Core, Mantle, and Crust

Have your child make a model of Earth using food. Remind your child that the layers should be relative sizes, so the mantle should be the largest layer. You can start with a peanut at the core (or something densely packed) and cover it with peanut butter to model the mantle. Then you can roll the peanut butter ball in chocolate chips or cookie crumbs to show the thin crust. Freeze and cut into the model to show all the different layers.

Filed as:  Earth, K-3, Science, Space