Even and Odd Activities for Kids
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about even and odd numbers. These activities are designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. Even and Odd topic page, which includes a movie, quizzes, online games, printable activities, and more.
Classroom Activities for Teaching Even and Odd
Even and Odd Game Show
Host a game show in your classroom. Write different numbers on index cards and tape them to a large board. Then have three student volunteers come up at a time. One student can select a card and you can turn the card over and read the number aloud. The first student to raise their hand and identify the number as odd or even wins the point. This is a perfect opportunity to use clickers or buzzers if you have them. You can rotate the students to come up so that every student has the opportunity to identify a number. Try using one-, two-, and if possible, three-digit numbers on the cards.
Twenty Questions
Think of a number and have students try to guess the number by asking questions. You can give them clues to the number, such as “It is a even number between zero and fifty.” Have student volunteers guess and keep track of the number of questions that have been asked. After twenty questions, give an obvious hint so students can guess correctly.
As an extension, have students split up into small groups and repeat the activity with each other. Encourage students to think of different clues and questions to ask using even and odd numbers.
Even Pairs
How many students are in your class? Is this an even or odd number? Discuss with the class and have students make predictions. Then divide the students into pairs. Is there a person left over? Can the class be divided into pairs without remainders? Can the class be divided into two equal groups without remainders? Explain to students that even numbers can be divided into two equal groups with no remainders and odd numbers cannot be divided evenly.
As an extension, have students place counters, paper clips, or other small items into a box. Have them take a handful of objects out and count them to see if there is an odd or even number. Instruct them how to divide the items into pairs. Have students write the numbers in their notebooks and identify them as even or odd.
Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching Even and Odd
Shopping Spree
Together with your child, go shopping at a grocery store, drug store, or a 99¢ store. Look at different items and their prices. Have your child identify if the number is odd or even. Remind your child to look at the ones place to see if a number is even or odd. Then ask your child to look for an item with a price that is even or odd. As an extension, you can add a dollar or subtract a dollar from a price and have your child identify if the new price is even or odd.
Odd and Even Cubes
Roll two number cubes to make a two-digit number. Have your child identify if the number is even or odd. If he or she has difficulties, have your child use beans, coins, or other small objects to divide the number into two groups. If the counters can be divided into two equal groups, the number is even. If the counters cannot be divided into two equal groups, the number is odd. Have him or her record all the numbers in a notebook and use the page as a reference in the future.
Even and Odd Items
Have your child look for items in your house that are an odd or even number. For example, have your child count the number of pickles in a jar, the number of coins in a dish, or the number of eggs left in a carton. Is the number odd or even? How does he or she know? A good method to see if a set if items is odd or even is to divide the items into two equal groups. Encourage your child to use this method when possible.