Submitted by: Kayon Wallace

Grade Levels: 3-5

In this differentiated lesson plan for grades 2-4, students will explore the scientific method using BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., and BrainPOP ELL resources.

Students will:

  1. Students will be able to identify and define the steps of the scientific method.


  • Computers with internet access for BrainPOP
  • Chart paper and index cards for strategic intervention group
  • Photocopies of printables for each group of students


Before this lesson, conduct a whole group mini-lesson. Discuss how scientists use their senses to answer questions and draw conclusions. Then place students in groups based on their independent reading levels, which are advanced (AD), on level (OL) and strategic intervention (SI).

Lesson Procedure:

  1. Advanced Activity (AD): Using their Brain POP login, students will use the BrainPOP Scientific Method video to find the definition of the vocabulary words. Be sure the closed caption is turned on. Students will then complete the graphic organizer activity and the order of events activity. Using the Make-A-Map feature, students will create a graphic organizer to identify and define the steps of the scientific method.

    On Level Activity (OL): Using their Brain POP Jr. login, students will use the BrainPOP Jr. Scientific Method video to find the definition of the word wall words. Be sure the closed caption is turned on. Afterwards, students will complete the sequence game and play the Forces of Flight game. After successfully completing the Forces of Flight game, students will complete the Lab Report Form .

    Strategic Intervention Activity (SI): Read “What is a Scientist” to students, then use chart paper to list the job of a scientist. Students will watch the BrainPOP ELL Scientific Method video: ensure the captions are turned on. Students will use index cards to create the flash words, using words and illustrations. Students will then complete the Read It!, Write It!, and Hear It, Say It! activities.
Filed as:  3-5, BrainPOP, Lesson Plan, Science