Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12

This collection of lesson plans, provided by our partner Read to Lead, support your student before, during, and after playing the game Community in Crisis.

On the Job Training: What Does it Take to be the Boss?
Lesson Objective: Students define effective and ineffective attributes of an individual in a leadership position. (accompanying worksheet)

Mini-Lesson: Hurricanes
Lesson Objective: Students identify and describe important facts about hurricanes.

Mini-Lesson: Community Service Organizations
Lesson Objective: Students describe the purpose of a community service organization

Mini-Lesson: Game Episode “Not It!”
Lesson Objective: Students define the term needs assessment and apply it to a variety of situations in preparation for game play. (accompanying worksheet)

Mini-Lesson: Game Episode “Trust Me”
Lesson Objective: Students define the term accusation in preparation for game play. (accompanying worksheet)


Lesson Plan Common Core State Standards Alignments