Bullying Movie Activities for Kids
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about bullying. These activities are designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. Bullying topic page, which includes a movie, quizzes, online games, printable activities, and more.
Classroom Activities for Teaching About Bullying
Act it Out
Review acts of bullying and the different ways your students can stop it from happening or continuing. Then divide your class into small groups and have each group prepare a skit about bullying. Encourage them to be creative and address different forms of bullying and act out different ways of addressing the problem. Students may wish to write out their skit in words and then act it out. They may also want to draw pictures of their skit and describe their pictures to another group.
Ways to Say Stop
On index cards, write out different bullying scenarios. For example, one scenario might be about a kid who receives hurtful e-mails. Another scenario might be about a bully who keeps breaking a kid’s toys. Discuss each scenario with the class and brainstorm different ways the kid can tell the bully to stop. Sample responses might include “Cut it out!” and “No one thinks you’re being funny.” Remind your students the importance of staying calm and confident; a bully wants to see someone get upset. Have them say their responses out loud in a confident manner. You can model behavior for the class by demonstrating confident body language, with shoulders forward and head held high, and remind them to make eye contact with the bully, even if they are scared.
Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching About Bullying
Team Player
Boost your child’s confidence! Confident children are less likely to be bullied and more likely to stand up for other friends and classmates. Team sports are a great way to boost self-esteem. Your child may want to join a soccer or softball team, or try out for gymnastics or dance. Getting plenty of physical exercise helps children grow up to be strong, healthy, and confident adults.
Staying Calm
Help your child cope with strong emotions. Brainstorm special ways to stay calm when he or she is angry. Your child may want to breathe deeply, go for a walk, or ride a bike and get exercise. One helpful way to calm down is by focusing on a happy memory. Brainstorm special, happy memories with your child. Have him or her close her eyes and describe a memory in great detail. How did he or she feel in the moment? What made the moment special? Another effective method is to think of a happy or silly tune. You may want to make up a fun song together or use a favorite chant or song. Give your child the skills he or she needs to deal with anger or fear when getting into an argument or facing a bully.