Anger Movie Background Information for Teachers and Parents
This page contains information to support educators and families in teaching K-3 students about anger and emotions. The information is designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. movie Anger. It explains the type of content covered in the movie, provides ideas for how teachers and parents can develop related understandings, and suggests how other BrainPOP Jr. resources can be used to scaffold and extend student learning.
Everyone gets angry sometimes. The trick is to handle anger and not mistreat others. This movie will explore how children can control their temper and teach ways to calm down when they are upset. We recommend holding plenty of discussions with children before and after the movie. What makes them angry? When was the last time they got angry? What did they do?
Remind children that everyone gets angry sometimes. Even animals get angry! Anger is a perfectly normal emotion, just like sadness and happiness. Some people get upset when they lose a game, or get frustrated and mad when something seems hard or confusing. Other people get mad when they are mistreated or see something that seems unfair. Invite children to share their experiences.
What happens when you are angry? Brainstorm together. Your heart rate might go up, your face might turn red, or you might clench your fists or feel your muscles tighten everywhere. You might frown and your mouth might get dry. You might feel like crying or yelling. Help children understand that it is perfectly normal to get angry sometimes. In some cases, being angry is helpful. You might stand up to a bully or do something to stop a situation from happening. Explain that it is O.K. to be angry, but it is not O.K. to mistreat others. The key is to calm down before you say or do something you regret later.
Ask children what they should do if they feel angry. Share techniques that children can employ to help them calm down and cheer themselves up. Exercise is a great way to blow off steam and burn extra energy. They can ride bikes, take a walk, play a sport, or dance to their favorite song. They can think of a happy memory, take deep breaths, or close their eyes and count to ten. Brainstorm other things children can do to calm down and lift their moods. Encourage children to write down their feelings in a diary or draw about them. They can talk to a friend or a trusted adult about how they feel. If they are too angry to talk, then they should tell people they want to be left alone for a little while. It’s O.K. to take a break. Teach children that when they are angry, they should find out what is making them angry and then clearly communicate their thoughts and feelings. Model ways they can communicate how they feel, such as “I am angry because . . .” or “I am upset because ____ and I would feel better if ____.”
Have children think of a time when they saw someone get angry. Someone who is mad might say hurtful things they do not really mean and stomp away. Their face might get red and they might raise their voice and talk faster. Since everyone can relate to feelings of anger, encourage children to be understanding when others are upset, and think about what they can do to make the person feel better. They can try talking to the person and be a good friend, which means being a good listener. Or, they could invite the person to do activities that will help him or her blow off steam. Remind children that sometimes people who are angry need to be left alone. Sometimes people just need to be by themselves and given time to cool down on their own.
Help children understand that it’s normal to get angry and that handling anger can be tough at times. Reassure them that anger will pass! Arm children with techniques to help them control their temper and help them take charge of their own emotional health and well-being.