Anger Movie Activities for Kids
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about anger and emotions. These activities are designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. Anger topic page, which includes a movie, quizzes, online games, printable activities, and more.
Classroom Activities for Teaching About Anger
Trigger Points
What makes people angry? Discuss with the whole class and invite volunteers to describe a time when they got mad. What made them angry? How did they calm down? How was the situation resolved? Explain that knowing what makes them angry can be helpful and prepare them for specific situations. Have students make a list of what makes them angry. What can they do to not get angry in those situations?
Invite small groups to create skits about someone getting angry. What makes the person angry? How does the person react? How does the person calm down? Students can discuss with each other and create a skit that illustrates appropriate and inappropriate responses to anger. They may want to write down the lines. Then have students perform the skits in front of the class.
Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching About Anger
Angry Thoughts
When your child gets angry, encourage him or her to write or draw about his or her thoughts and feelings. Explain that no one will read or see the paper. Allow your child to blow off steam. Then have your child rip up the piece of paper and throw it away. How does your child feel now?
Problem and Solution
Pose different problems to your child and discuss the best way to resolve the situations. For example, you might want to say: “Pretend your sister breaks your toy and you get mad. What should you do?” Discuss different solutions together. Be sure to explain what your child should not do, including hitting, screaming, and saying hurtful things. Help your child develop a repertoire of statements to use when upset, such as “I don’t like that, that makes me angry” and “I need to be left alone.”