Grade Levels: K-3

In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about ancient Egypt. These activities are designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. Ancient Egypt topic page, which includes a movie, quizzes, online games, printable activities, and more.

Classroom Activities for Teaching About Ancient Egypt

Travel Guide to Egypt

Bring in different travel guides to countries and cities for your children to explore. You can also have students visit the library to check out different travel guides. Then have students create their own travel guide to major sites in Egypt. Have them choose different landmarks, monuments, temples, and ruins in Egypt and write a brief history about each. Students can draw pictures or print out photographs from the Internet. Encourage students to not only include ancient Egyptian ruins, but also modern landmarks and attractions in Egypt. Have students share their work and talk about highlights in their guides.


Remind your students that experts know a lot about ancient Egypt because of artifacts, or objects left over from an ancient civilization. Have your students bring in an “artifact” from their home. This can be a family heirloom, a favorite toy or object, or a tool they use everyday. Then have students share their artifacts with the class. This is a good opportunity for your students to practice public speaking skills. Discuss each artifact. What does the artifact tell about the person and culture?

Museum Trip

If possible, take your class on a trip to a natural history museum and visit the ancient Egyptian section. You may wish to schedule a tour guide or museum educator to guide your class through the exhibits. Have students sketch and discuss several artifacts and learn about how different tombs were found.

Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching About Ancient Egypt


Remind your child that ancient Egyptians built monuments to pharaohs and important members of society. Together, pick a person that deserves a monument in his or her honor. This person can be living or deceased. You may want to honor a person who has contributed greatly to the community or a leader or relative that your child looks up to and respects. Then build a small monument together in your yard or home. You can have a dedication party honoring the person and discuss his or her achievements.

Building Blocks

Together with your child, look at pictures of the Pyramids of Giza. Explain that one of the reasons why the pyramids are still standing today is because of the way it was built. Use building blocks to re-create the pyramids and show how the wide base helps the pyramid stand. Then have your child experiment with the blocks to create buildings of his or her own. How can your child create a taller building that can withstand the elements and time?