Grade Levels: 3-5, 6-8, K-3

In the BrainPOP ELL movie, An Amazing Walk (L2U5L3), Ben and Moby are taking a walk in nature. While Ben is amazed by the beauty of the great outdoors, Moby is bored. In the quest to prove that nature is exciting, the friends end up getting more excitement than they bargained for! In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades K-8, students apply appropriate adjectives to situations, illustrate adjectives, and relate anecdotes as they learn the difference between adjectives that end in –ing and –ed.

Lesson Plan Common Core State Standards Alignments

Students will:

  1. Apply ideas from prompts and oral discussions to new situations.
  2. Illustrate commonly confused adjectives, differentiating among them.
  3. Tell original stories with emerging detail, and express and explain situations (e.g., involving feelings).


amazing/amazed, boring/bored, confusing/confused, embarrassing/embarrassed, frightening/frightened


For Activity 2, Exciting or Excited?, make copies of the Picture Prompt: Adjective Endings for each pair of students, or project it to the class.

For Activity 3, Four Corners, prepare four signs using chart paper to hang or attach in the four corners of the classroom with the following written on them: That's amazing! / That's confusing! / That's embarrassing! / That's frightening!

Lesson Procedure:

  1. Roundrobin. To practice the difference between the two forms of adjectives, have students think of a time or situation to match the prompts you give. Conduct a Roundrobin activity using the prompts below to practice using –ed and –ing adjectives in the appropriate contexts. Swap the adjective with another after every few students.
    Examples of question and answer prompts are:
    Think of something that's tiring. ____________ is tiring for me.
    When are you amazed? I'm amazed when ________________.
  2. Exciting or Excited? Project or distribute the Picture Prompt: Adjective Endings. Ask students to think of sentences describing each pair of pictures. To differentiate, write the following adjective pairs on the board in a word bank: exciting/excited, amazing/amazed, frightening/frightened, embarrassing/embarrassed. For homework, have students illustrate at least two more pairs of adjectives ending in –ed and –ing on index cards. Encourage students to use adjectives from the movie for one set of images, but add a pair of new adjectives for the second set. They may draw their own pictures or find pictures on the Internet or in magazines. Tell them NOT to label the pictures, but to make flashcards of the words. The next day, play a matching or memory game with the pictures.
  3. Four Corners. Hang the signs in the four corners of the room (see Preparation). Give the students time to think of a story or personal anecdote about something amazing, confusing, embarrassing, or frightening that happened to them. Then have them practice telling their stories to a partner. The partner should listen critically and offer constructive suggestions to make the story even more amazing, confusing, embarrassing, or frightening. When students feel ready to share their stories with others, instruct them to stand in the appropriate corners. Students take turns telling their stories to the class, and at the end of each one, the class shouts out, "That's __________!"

Extension Activity. Have the students look for –ed and –ing adjectives in books or resources they're reading for other classes. Instruct them to copy the sentences, circle the participial adjectives, and be prepared to explain why the –ed and –ing form was used.

BrainPOP ELL Movies

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