Grade Levels: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

In the BrainPOP ELL movie, Where Do These Go? (L2U1L2), Ben and Moby help the librarian shelve books in alphabetical order. Ben uses demonstrative pronouns to describe the books and to tell Moby where they go. In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades K-8, students ask and answer questions using demonstrative pronouns and collaborate on a story-telling project.

Lesson Plan Common Core State Standards Alignments

Students will:

  1. Ask and answer questions using demonstrative pronouns.
  2. Use demonstrative pronouns in a presentation about their school.
  3. Collaborate on a shared story-telling project.



this, that, these, those

Lesson Procedure:

  1. Tour Guide. Ask students why Ben and Moby have to finish sorting the books by 3:00. If they don't remember, have them watch the movie Where Do These Go? (L2U1L2) again to look for the answer. (Answer: because new students are coming to see the library.) Tell the class that they will now pretend to be new students at their school. In pairs or small groups, have the students write a short script with a school tour guide and a new student/s. Each pair or group can choose one area of the school to focus on, or even your classroom. The tour guide will lead the tour as the “new students” ask questions using demonstrative pronouns. The tour guide will answer using demonstrative pronouns, too. For example, a student might point to a flag outside in the school courtyard and ask “What is that?” The tour guide answers, “That is a flag.” Or, pointing to a cupboard: "What is this?" "This is where the teacher keeps extra paper."
  2. Shared Art & Story-Telling Project. Do a shared class art and story-telling project. Tell the students to bring in any pictures of objects and/or people that interest them, or be prepared to draw. The pictures may be photos, or pictures they find in magazines or on the Internet. Together, you will make a large mural and tell a story about it. Students can glue pictures on it or draw anything they like. But as they contribute to the picture, they must also contribute to the story. And they must use demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, or those) as they explain the picture they're adding or as they add details to the story. For example: That is the tree that grew outside my window. Encourage the students to use their imaginations and see where the story takes them!