Grade Levels: 3-5, 6-8, K-3

In the BrainPOP ELL movie, There are Monsters! (L1U3L3), Ben and Moby see many things in the park through their telescope, including a few surprises! Using the phrases there is and there are Ben describes what he sees to Moby. In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades K-8, students practice using the phrases there is and there are in the affirmative, negative, and question forms.

Lesson Plan Common Core State Standards Alignments

Students will:

  1. Describe the movie using sentences with there is and there are.
  2. Compare and contrast two images, identifying the differences to a partner.
  3. Describe their rooms to a partner using there is and there are in sentences.


there is, there are, many


Lesson Procedure:

  1. Describe the Scene. On a second viewing of the movie There are Monsters! (L1U3L3), pause the movie periodically and ask students to say sentences about what they see, using there is and there are. Have partners think of sentences together, generating a list as you continue through the movie. Then ask the partners to share their sentences with the class. Keep a list on the board of singular and plural sentences.
  2. Find the Differences. Distribute At the Park Image and the At the Park Action Image: Find the Differences to pairs of students. One student is given one image and the other the second image, and they are not to show each other their images. Partners ask each other questions to identify differences between their two images. Make sure that they frame their questions and answers using there is and there are. For example: Are there three apples under the table? For additional support, put a word bank on the board with question and answer prompts and any additional vocabulary they may need.
  3. My Room. Do an imagery exercise with the class as a Think-Aloud. Model describing your room at home for the class. For example: “I am imagining my room. There is a table in my room. There are seven books on the table. There is a window. There are no pictures on the walls. There is a white cat on my bed.” Now ask partners to describe their rooms to each other. Differentiate the activity as appropriate. Options include: 1) Partners relate simple sentences to each other; 2) One student describes his room while his partner draws it on a blank page; 3) Each student draws a simple picture of his or her room, describes it for his or her partner to draw, then they exchange and compare the two drawings; or 4) Give the students time to write a simple paragraph about their rooms and then exchange papers for a partner to draw according to the written description.