Unit 2: GameUp and My BrainPOP: The Student Experience

GameUp,  BrainPOP’s game-based learning portal, hosts a wide variety of award-winning games.  Logging in with a My BrainPOP student account activates innovative features that bring a new dimension to game play!

In this unit you will do the following:

  • engage with a learning game.
  • compose and submit 3 “snapthought” assessment items complete with useful explanations.
  • explore the variety of teacher support materials on BrainPOP Educators.
  • complete a round of “Sortify” – BrainPOP’s playful assessment game.
  • test your own knowledge about GameUp by completing and submitting a final assessment quiz.

This unit should take roughly 1 hour.

If you do not have a personal My BrainPOP account, return to Unit 1.

For optimal experience, use a computer with a full featured web browser. Open this course in one window and open BrainPOP.com in another window. This allows you to read directions and follow them simultaneously.

U1 - S2