Process and Requirements for Certification with BrainPOP ELL Specialization
Program Format
To be considered for certification with a BrainPOP ELL specialization, the candidate will:
- Complete 4 assignments (listed on your left) and submit them for review to the BrainPOP Educators team.
Time Commitment and Due Dates
Requirements should take roughly 6-8 hours and should be successfully submitted and accepted by the specific date associated with your training:
Vista – February 20th 2017
How to Submit Requirements
Please note content submission requirements vary by assignment. Using the DEMO username you created, assignments 1-3: Make-A-Map, SnapThought® Snapshots, and Scavenger Hunt (Quiz) will be submitted within BrainPOP directly to Bev’s class that you enrolled in. Assignment 4, your lesson plan, will be submitted to the Educators team via Email (
We track certification requirement submissions for all candidates. However, when you complete your assignments, notify the educators team and we’ll provide feedback.
Evaluation Criteria
We trust you. You’re a professional and you can distinguish good work from lousy work. Therefore, we aren’t providing micro-detailed rubrics for the 4 follow-up assignments. However, we expect the submissions to be clearly written, make sense, and show thought and effort. If we determine that your submissions fall below an acceptable level, we will ask you to resubmit. If you do not submit acceptable work before the deadline, you will not become a Certified BrainPOP Educator.
Certification Support
You’re welcome to access the Google + Certification Support Group – click the link and send a request.
We’ve created an online support community where candidates in the certification process can come to share ideas, ask questions, and receive feedback from not only one-another, but also from members of the BrainPOP Educators team!
We’ve noticed that candidates who utilize the online community excel through the certification process with an even greater understanding of the content, as well as a stronger feeling of connectedness.
If you’re having trouble accessing the community, please email us at
Certification Learning Objectives
Participants will demonstrate mastery in the following core BrainPOP elements:
- Content: Articulating key features and concepts:
- BrainPOP ELL movies (including the main movie, the vocabulary movie, and the grammar movie)
- Make-a-Map
- Read It and Write It
- Additional features (including Flash Words, Hear It Say It, Play It, Practice, and the Quiz)
- My BrainPOP Individual Accounts
- Theories related to language acquisition and best practices in the teaching of English Language Learners.
- Language Learning and Games: Using GameUp (K-3 and 3-8) (Online games portal) and providing appropriate support for ELLs.
- Assessment: Using My BrainPOP to track learning with quizzes, reading & writing, and concept maps and playful assessments with Make-a-Map and SnapThought.
- Teacher Support: Harnessing BrainPOP Educators – BrainPOP’s professional community – for supporting resources.
- Training: Implementing BrainPOP’s approach for effectively training teachers to enhance instruction through BrainPOP products.
all assignments should be completed by logging into BrainPOP with your demo STUDENT account.
To get started, select Assignment 1 on your left.