Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study.
Abraham Lincoln Lesson Plan
Posted by jglassman on
This lesson plan accompanies the BrainPOP topic, Abraham Lincoln, and can be completed over several class periods. See suggested times for each section.
Students will:
Activate prior k...
Jamestown, Part 2 Lesson Plan
Posted by jglassman on
Grades: 4-8
This lesson plan accompanies the BrainPOP topic, Jamestown, Part 2, and can be completed over several class periods. See suggested times for each section.
Students will:
Jamestown, Part 1 Lesson Plan: How Did England Create the Colony?
Posted by jglassman on
Grades 4-8
BrainPOP’s lesson plans suggest learning strategies, resources, and tools for introducing the topic (Discover), prompting critical thinking (Investigate), and expressing understa...
Regions of the Thirteen Colonies Lesson Plan: Guess the Region Game
Posted by jglassman on
In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students explore BrainPOP resources to learn about the three regions that the original 13 colonies made up: New England, Middle, and Southern. Using wha...
Engineering Design Process Lesson Plan: Solve a Problem
Posted by jglassman on
In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students explore BrainPOP resources to learn about the Engineering Design Process (EDP). Using what they learn, students apply EDP to solve a problem, a...
Computational Thinking Lesson Plan: Pixel Picture Algorithms
Posted by jglassman on
In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students explore BrainPOP features and resources to learn about Computational Thinking. Then they use computational thinking to design an algorithm.
Day of the Dead Lesson Plan: Build an Ofrenda
Posted by jglassman on
In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-8, students explore BrainPOP resources to learn about the Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos--its origins, the Aztec people, and this holiday is celebrated...
Fannie Lou Hamer Lesson Plan: Write and Deliver a Persuasive Speech
Posted by jglassman on
In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students explore BrainPOP resources to learn about the civil rights activist, Fannie Lou Hamer, who spoke up for black voting rights in the South. Using...
Building Thirteen Colonies Lesson Plan: Design a Sortify Game
Posted by jglassman on
In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 4-12, students explore BrainPOP resources to learn how and why the 13 colonies were founded, including the role of mercantilism and the relationship between t...
St. Patrick’s Day Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by jglassman on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the St. Patrick's Day Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the ...