Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Meme Lesson Plan
Posted by jglassman on
Students embellish a video with graphics and text. ...
No Bully Zone Lesson Plan: Responding to and Preventing Bullying
Posted by allisyn on
In this Preventing Bullying lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades K-8, students use BrainPOP Jr. and/or BrainPOP resources to define bullying (and/or cyberbullying) and explain its effects. Stude...
BirdSleuth Sound Lesson Plan: Bird Song Hero Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this BirdSleuth lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 4-8, students learn about sound and how spectrograms reflect pitch and duration. Students then create their own spectrogram to represent so...
Discussion Questions for the Bird Song Hero Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
Guide students to explore the following questions for the Bird Song Hero game:
How is a spectrogram similar to a musical score?
What can you learn from a spectrogram that is different fr...
3.5.2 Second Conditional Lesson Plan
Posted by tamara on
In the BrainPOP ELL movie, If We Lived There (L3U5L2), Ben and Moby take their minds off shoveling snow by imagining what life would be like if they lived on a tropical island. If only it weren’t a dr...
3.4.5 Gerunds and Infinitives Review Lesson Plan
Posted by tamara on
The BrainPOP ELL movie Thanks for Nothing! (L3U4L5) is an adaptation of the classic children's story, The Little Red Hen. In Ben’s story, everyone wants to bake a cake, but Ben is doing all the work. ...
3.3.3 Present Perfect Progressive Lesson Plan
Posted by tamara on
In the BrainPOP ELL movie, April Fools' Day (L3U3L3), someone has been playing tricks on Ben and his friends, but who is it? Ben plays detective and follows the clues to solve the mystery. In this les...
3.2.2 Camouflage Lesson Plan
Posted by tamara on
In the BrainPOP ELL movie, Camouflage (L3U2L2), Moby is nowhere to be found. It turns out, he was just blending into Ben’s bedroom! In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades K-8, learn about camouflag...
3.1.4 Passive Progressive Tenses Lesson Plan
Posted by tamara on
In the BrainPOP ELL movie, Work is Being Done (L3U1L4), Ben and Moby are being put to work on Uncle Joe’s farm-- feeding the horses, fixing a fence, painting a barn, and more. In this lesson plan, ada...
3.1.2 Passive Voice Past Lesson Plan
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
In the BrainPOP ELL movie, Inventions (L3U1L2), Ben is trying to invent a way to carry his guitar on his bike. When Moby asks what he’s doing, Ben explains how most inventions were invented to solve p...