Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.
Debates and Mock Election Lesson Plan: Battle for the Presidency
Posted by allisyn on
In this debates and mock election lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3 through 5, students use BrainPOP resources to explore the differences between the Democratic and Republican political par...
Food Chains and Food Webs Lesson Plan: Understanding Energy Flow
Posted by cemignano on
In this Food Chains and Food Webs lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades K-8, students use BrainPOP resources to construct a food chain and explain how energy flows through the chain. Students wil...
U.S. History Lesson Plan: Exploring Cause and Effect
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this U.S. History lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3-12, students select two topics in U.S. history and use BrainPOP resources to explore the relationship between those topics. Students w...
Musical Genres and Instruments Lesson Plan: Learning and Making Music
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this musical genres lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades K-8, students use BrainPOP resources to conduct independent and/or collaborative research on a selected musical topic. Students will s...
Famous Artists and Musicians Lesson Plan: Who Inspires YOU?
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this artists and musicians lesson plan, which is adaptable for any grade level, students use BrainPOP or BrainPOP Jr. resources to explore the life and works of a self-selected musician or artist. ...
Fitness Lesson Plan: Create a Public Service Announcement About Exercise!
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In this fitness lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades K through 3, students use BrainPOP Jr. resources to explore the importance of exercise in keeping the body fit. Students will identify ways t...
Research Skills Lesson Plan: Be a BrainPOP Expert
Posted by alanaw on
In this research skills lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades K-8, students use BrainPOP and/or BrainPOP Jr. resources to conduct independent and/or collaborative research on a selected topic. Th...
World History Lesson Plan: Uncovering Essential Questions
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this world history lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 5-12, students select a world history topic and study it through the lens of an essential question....